Cause and Effect Essay


What Is a Cause And Effect Essay?

Before you start writing, it’s good to know a cause and effect essay definition. This type of academic paper aims to examine how one event (the cause) leads to another event (the effect). Depending on your topic, you may concentrate more on the effects of a cause or more on the causes of an effect in your analysis. Whatever option you choose, you will need to discuss the possible connections between them. Do not try to combine several events in one package because you will make your content overly complicated for the reader. Instead, you should logically align all the details to facilitate the smooth flow of your essay.

In fact, a cause and effect essay shares some similarities with an argumentative one. In both writings, you need to prove a particular cause that led to a particular effect. But unlike an argumentative essay, cause and effect writing requires you to prove the validity of each argument.

Cause and Effect Essay Purpose

The purpose of writing a cause and effect essay is to analyze how different events are interrelated in terms of origins and results. It may seem that the relationship between a cause and an effect is clear, but it is not always the case. In fact, there are always debates about that. So, while you are formulating a thesis statement, you should name one of several possible causes or effects as  primary. As soon as you mention that it is more crucial than the others, you have your thesis ready.

Types of the Cause and Effect Essay

Depending on the interrelation between various causes and effects, there are three types of cause and effect essay. While not every topic is suitable for each particular type, you should be careful with the final choice. The types of the cause effect essay are as follows:

  • Several causes and one effect: In this case, you need to demonstrate how several causes have particular circumstances. You should focus each body paragraph on one cause and its impact.
  • One cause and several effects: Here, you need to show how one cause has multiple effects, both good and bad. Although this type of essay is less common, it can be even more interesting to the reader.
  • Series of causes and effects: In this type of essay, you need to examine the series of various causes and effects that are interrelated. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that this type of essay is the most challenging one because it requires you to follow multiple causes and effects that lead to one another. After choosing this type of essay, be ready to spend much time and effort on the analysis. But the result can still be very rewarding.

Cause and Effect Essay Outline

How to start a cause and effect essay? When it comes to a cause and effect essay, it is crucial to start with crafting an adequate outline. You will be happy to know that a standard cause and effect essay structure does not differ from the essay outlines you have written before. So, it follows the traditional academic structure of an introduction, three or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction: This is where you set the tone of the entire paper by stating the topic and presenting some background information on it. In the very first sentence, you should write something to catch the reader’s attention, namely the hook. You can use some statistical details or interesting facts that can help the reader understand the significance of the chosen problem. But do not rush to spill the beans in your opening paragraph. Just give a general idea of what to expect from the body paragraphs.

Thesis statement: Your cause and effect essay thesis is the core of your work. It should wrap up your ideas and thoughts in one sentence to inform the reader about the problem to be examined. In other words, you need to summarize your main idea, namely the interrelation between the cause and effect.

The body paragraphs: Being the flesh and blood of the entire paper, the body section should reflect on the cause (or multiple causes) and the effect (or multiple effects) and the relationship between them. In order to prove your point of view, you can use various data, including statistical details, scientific researches, quotes from reliable sources, and so on. You don’t need to convince your reader in something, but make logical conclusions and view the problem from different perspectives. You should make sure that each paragraph of your essay addresses one single cause (or effect) and involves enough proof to support your point of view.

While the body section includes several paragraphs, it is important to organize them logically to make the paper look cohesive. While writing an essay, make sure you don’t jump from one argument or fact to another without any transition. Use transitional words to enable a smooth flow from one sentence to another and from one paragraph to another. Thus, your ideas and thoughts will be connected with each other in a chain reaction.

Conclusion: In order to nail a strong conclusion, you need to retell everything you wrote before without adding anything new. Thus, you just need to restate all the arguments and facts mentioned in the body paragraphs through the prism of the thesis statement. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you should repeat the same information with the same words once again. Instead, you need to paraphrase it properly. Make sure you end your essay on a powerful note. Depending on your topic, you can also add some suggestions for future research or possible solutions to the problem.

Cause and Effect Essay Template Preview:

five paragraph essay outline template
Cause and Effect Essay Template Download:

Cause and effect essay template
Cause and effect essay outline template
Cause and effect essay layout
Cause and effect essay outline template pdf

How to Choose a Topic for a Cause and Effect Essay?

If your professor or instructor does not assign you a specific cause and effect essay topic, you’ll be free to make your own choice! Fortunately, finding what to write about is not that hard because there are multiple problems that you can cover.

While the variety of possible subjects is really big, it is highly recommended to organize them into a list. By writing down any idea that comes to your mind, you will get a better overview of the possible cause and effect essay topics. Once you are done with it, check it closely and choose the most appealing option. Remember that you need to have relevant points about the topic because this kind of essay is mainly based on them.

Whatever topic you choose, it should be something you are actually interested in. But it should also be something you can examine from different perspectives. For example, the bankruptcy of your favorite fashion brand might be the closest to your heart, but it might be hard for you to squeeze an entire essay out of it. Instead, you can explore the rapid growth of the particular fashion brand over the last decade.

Cause And Effect Essay Topics

  • Cause And Effect Of The Fitness Movement
  • The Cycle Of Never Ending Cause And Effect
  • The Cause And Effect Of Human Error In Air Safety
  • Cause And Effect Of Speeding
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials Cause And Effect
  • Inspire For Sleep Apnea Cause And Effect
  • Acid Rain: Cause And Effects And Issues
  • Causes Of The Financial Crisis Of 2008-2009
  • Effect of War on Civilians and Soldiers
  • The Effect and Harm of Steroids on the Health of Bodybuilders

Cause And Effect Essay Topics For College Students

  • Cause And Effect Of Baby Dumping Article
  • Cause And Effect In My Life
  • Cause And Effect In Crash
  • Cause And Effect: Women’s Rights
  • Cause And Effect: Poverty
  • Cause And Effects Of Divorce
  • Causes And Effects Of Earthquakes
  • Causes And Effects Of Land Pollution
  • Causes And Effects Of Playing Sports
  • Causes And Effects Of The French Revolution
  • Causes And Effects On Migration

Cause And Effect Essay Topics For Middle School

  • Honesty Cause And Effect
  • Cause And Effects Of Volcanic Eruptions
  • Cause And Effect Of Apple iPod
  • A Study On The Cause And Effects Of Attachment
  • Cause And Effect Of Walt Disney’s Success
  • The Crucible Cause And Effect
  • Cause And Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy
  • Causes And Effects The Effects Of Computers On Our Everyday Lives
  • Causes And Effects The Effects Of Noise Pollution
  • Causes And Solutions To Academic Cheating
  • Causes And Spread Of Infection
  • Causes And Symptoms Of Brain Aneurysm

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Cause and Effect Essay Examples

No matter how much information you read about cause and effect essays, it won’t be as effective as checking out one or several high-quality samples. This way, you will be able to discover the right cause and effect essay format and structure, as well as get some inspiration for your individual writing. Follow the links below to gain a better idea of how to approach this kind of academic work:

Cause and Effect Essay Writing Tips

Now that you know how to write a cause and effect essay, you may also want to know some useful tricks to be used throughout the writing process. That’s how you can make your paper look even more interesting to the reader. That being said, here are some tips that you should consider:

  • Find a topic that resonates with your personality. Otherwise, you will fail to create a decent piece of work.
  • Brainstorm all the possible topics before writing. Through mind-mapping, you will get your thoughts and ideas well-organized. As a result, you will increase your chances of writing a top-notch paper.
  • To identify the causes, you need to ask yourself “why” questions. Why has the company collapsed? Why does the young generation prefer social media to live communication? Why have the real estate prices started declining?
  • To identify the effects, you need to answer “how” and “what” questions. How did this political decision affect the lives of average people? What happens to modern society with the further integration of Artificial Intelligence?
  • Make a list of possible causes and effects before deciding on the best options to be described in your essay. Always consider several causes and effects to make a better choice.
  • Follow your initial purpose, whether you are writing the essay to inform the reader about causes/effects or to convince the reader in something.
  • Make sure that the sequence of your thoughts and ideas in each paragraph is logically determined. By prioritizing your causes and effects, you will add value to your paper.
  • Lead the narration. All information you reveal in your paper should be already known or newly explained to the reader.
  • Be precise while presenting each point. Exaggeration of effects and causes won’t make your point more convincing to the reader.
  • Avoid the words “evidence” or “proof” if you cannot support those words with factual information taken from reliable sources.
  • Avoid using the words “so,” “because,” and “and” at the beginning of a sentence. It’s inappropriate in academic writing.
  • Present different facts, quotes, terms, and opinions through the prism of your own point of view. This will make each argument more convincing to the reader.
  • Have some rest before final proofreading. With a fresh mind, you will manage to make all the necessary corrections fast.
  • Check the final draft with the help of different online grammar and plagiarism checkers to ensure its grammatical, structural, and contextual accuracy. The good idea is to give your final essay to your parents or friends, so they could express their opinion about your work.

Write My Cause And Effect Essay for Me, Please!

The definition, outline, examples, and tips discussed above should all help you handle your cause and effect essay writing faster and with fewer efforts. Whether your language competence is not good enough or your knowledge of the subject matter is insufficient, you should consider an alternative solution. Luckily, there is a whole plethora of writing services that aim to help students with their academic challenges, and one of them is WriteMyEssays. With this kind of cooperation, you have a great opportunity to submit an excellent paper to your professor and improve your overall academic performance at the same time.

So, if you don’t feel like doing this kind of academic assignment, apply for the assistance of professional writers. Thanks to their qualification and experience, they are able to deal with the most complicated writings. All you need to do is send them a “Write my cause and effect essay for me, please!” request. As soon as they receive it, they will take action immediately.

If you are not ready for your cause and effect essay, ask our specialists “do my essay”. They will do their best to prove their proficiency to you!


Kylie Anderson
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