Classification Essay


What is a Classification Essay?

The first step towards writing a good classification essay is understanding what it is all about. A classification essay definition implies the following: it is an academic writing that groups objects, data, and information with  similar characteristics into specified classes. This kind of essay involves grouping data into different classes based on certain characteristics.

The main objectives of this type of essay are to categorize data, ensure that a distinct method of organization is applied, and present examples in each group.

Classification essays can be either subjective or objective. When classifying data based on measurable characteristics, such an essay is objective, but when classifying information based on abstract categories, this essay  is  subjective. The latter type  is often used in advertising, business reviews, and editorials, while school teachers  mostly give out topics for objective classification essay writing.

Classification essays usually involve a lot of research because of their comparative nature. To appropriately group objects into classes, you have to get as much information about them as you can. Even though this type of essay is common, many students still have a hard time writing it.

Classification Essay Outline

To present a coherent classification essay, the outline must be just right. This is when a lot of students start to make mistakes and end up with essays that are of below-average quality. The widely recommended structure for outlining a classification essay is known as the five-paragraph structure. It breaks down your essay into smaller blocks. The goal is to have every block address a certain issue. This approach makes the writing process  easier because you can build up from there by adding sentences.

The five-paragraph structure is the following :

  1. Introduction and thesis
  2. Body paragraphs
  3. Conclusion

Introduction and thesis

An introduction  is one of the most important paragraphs in the entire essay. At this point, you are expected to open the reader’s eyes and let them  see the discussion at hand, as well as  the subject you will be categorizing. It is important to maintain clarity in this essay part as it will determine if your reader understands the subject and  is carried along until the end.

Apart from these points, the introduction of your essay is where you draw the reader in. Use simple and direct language to let them know what the essay is all about. Be informative in this section because the goal is for them to want to know how the objects you have classified stack up against one another.

An  introduction also serves as an explanation  of the reason for  having written   your essay. Be open about why the classification was present in your essay and draw on the criteria you used for it. Using this approach will help you shed some light on your discussion and make it relatable to readers.

After crafting the introductory paragraph, you should end the paragraph with a thesis. The main idea wrapped in one sentence briefly summarizes the goals your classification essay is set to achieve and lists the categories that will be used in your assignment. Thesis statements should be simple and argumentative.

Body paragraphs

An essay body can be expanded into three or more paragraphs. This is because during  classification essay writing, you will be dealing with different categories, and each category is to be covered by a different body paragraph. Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence describing the category to be discussed.

The ideal way to organize your body paragraphs is to first shed light on the subject based on comparison/ measurement for each category. Then, discuss each category characteristicsand talk about strengths and weaknesses. Finally, you will need to cite examples that act as proof for statements made within your classification essay.

Note that you should spread examples across each category evenly. This ensures that the body of your essay is not lopsided, with some paragraphs carrying more information than others. If your paragraphs are not evenly matched, it may give  readers the impression that you do not have enough evidence in some categories to back up your statements.

If you notice that you have long paragraphs, break them into shorter ones to make your paper easily readable.

Your body paragraphs should be structured like this:

Body paragraph 1

  • Explain the criteria used to group your first category
  • Outline the category  characteristics
  • Cite examples

Body paragraph 2

  • Explain the criteria used to group your second category
  • Outline the category  characteristics
  • Cite examples

Body paragraph 3

  • Explain the criteria used to group your third category
  • Outline the category characteristics
  • Cite examples

This basic structure should serve as a strong guide for when you are writing your classification essay body.


The last part of your essay is the conclusion. In it, you should touch on the subject matter and each category. The idea behind this paragraph is to summarize the categories discussed in your essay and add recommendations.

Note that you should state your reasons for making any recommendations in this paragraph. Your argument should also be grounded on facts already outlined in the body of your work. This approach will help users come to an informed conclusion on the subject matter.

How to Choose a Topic for a Classification Essay?

When picking a topic for classification essay, go for subjects that interest you. When writing about things you resonate with, readers can easily get infected by the passion that you put into your writing. While brainstorming, look into broad topics as they let you think of many ways to streamline that topic into one that you can use.

When you have a broad topic, come up with a list where you write down anything that comes to mind concerning that topic. Do not worry about fine-tuning these topics as there will be time for that later. Just write!

If you prefer a visual approach, try writing down a broad topic in the center of a page and using lines to attach finer concepts to it. This method  is called mind mapping.

Classification Essay Topics

  • Classification : Various Sources of Power for Cars
  • Mobile Devices And Classification Of Mobile Applications Computer Science
  • Information Architecture Impact On Healthcare Computer Science
  • Introduction To Food Microbiology
  • Congestion Control for Reliable Multicast
  • Strategy of Aquafina Brand by PepsiCo
  • Is The Globalization Of Services Beneficial For Developing Countries?
  • History Of Artificial Intelligence
  • Leadership Theories Based On Dr. Spock And Captain Kirk
  • Health And Social Class
  • Methods Of Paragraph Development
  • Gender, Race And Ethnicity In Online Communication
  • Types Of Courts: An Analysis

Classification Essay Topics About Friends

  • Law Questions About Business and Friendship
  • Three Types of Friends
  • Unexpected Friendship
  • This I Believe: The Power Of True Friendship
  • Of Mice And Men: Friendship And Loyalty
  • My Childhood Memories Of Childhood Friendships
  • Definition Of True Friendship
  • Friendship Theme From Lord Of
  • Have You Ever Sat Around With A Group Of Friends
  • The Value Of Friends
  • Personal Experience Of Friendship
  • Motivation – Family, Friends And Future
  • A Story Of Friendship

Classification Essay Topics For College Students

  • Immigration Classification
  • Classification On Inconsiderate People
  • Classification Of Music Genres
  • British Slang And Its Classification
  • Introduction To Icd9 Classification And Reimbursement
  • Classification Of Tea
  • Classification On “Churchgoers”
  • Presidential Candidates: Division And Classification
  • Legal Traditions
  • Nonverbal and Verbal Communication
  • The Different Kinds of Drivers
  • Modern and Primitive Cultures

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Classification Essay Examples

People learn differently. A detailed breakdown may help some people, but others may prefer to refer to a classification essay example they can analyze and pick tips from. If you need well-written essays to use as a springboard for writing yours, here are a couple of examples:

Many Ways to Turn a Page

Types of Friends

Transition Words for Classification Essay

When writing classification essays or any paper that includes categorization, transition words are great for helping readers follow your categories. These words act as bridges that link two long sentences. They may also come in handy whenever  you need to introduce an idea or result.

Transition words can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Additive transitions: These transition words and phrases introduce an idea or point. They  let the reader return to a previous idea to understand the connection with a new one. Such linking phrases as indeed, let alone, moreover, and for instance are only a few examples of  transition words.
  • Casual transitions: These are words that link sentences and show causes, results, and effects. They help smoothen the transition from one sentence to another. Phrases like  for the purpose of, even if, and inasmuch as are examples of casual transitions.
  • Adversative transitions: These are used to emphasize, concede,  make contrary suggestions/ arguments, or replace other ideas. They help make a paragraph with contradictory points coherent. Words like once, yet, at least, in any case are some adversative transitions.
  • Sequential transitions: These words link sentences by showing a chronological sequence of  things. They can also be used to summarize previous events. First of all, secondly,  in summary, are some sequential transition words.

Classification Essay Writing Tips

Having understood what classification essays are and how to write them, a few more tips can come in handy for you. Some of them are:

  • Always use illustrative examples when you can. Readers are more likely to relate to your examples if they typically represent the class under which they are listed. Use enough examples to support every group and spread your examples evenly.
  • Carefully choose categories for the objects or data you are grouping. Some categories are obvious and users will want to see them, so don’t forget to  include them. At the same time, do not pack your essay with too many categories.
  • Do not leave any stone unturned in your research. Classification essays require you to know enough about the objects being categorized to properly group them. Readers love to read facts that are supported by evidence.
  • Plan your writing from start to finish. Having to rush this process  because of a tight deadline is a surefire way of writing substandard work. A plan that leaves you enough time to research and present your ideas will enhance your essay quality.
  • Create your categories using a common principle. Ensure that your categories all follow the same principle of classification as  it will  keep your groups related.
  • Proofread your essay several times before submission. This may require showing it to your friends, lecturers, or senior colleagues for their input and correction. Such a move not only ensures that your work is original and free of errors, but you may also get new ideas after proofreading your paper. Alternatively, you can double checkit online using special tools like Grammarly.

Write My Classification Essay for Me, Please!

Learning how to write a classification essay can be a tough nut to crack. However, no matter how well you plan your writing, you may occasionally find yourself pressed with time frames and unable to write your essay. If that’s your scenario, , you would be pleased to know that there is a solution.

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Roy Howard
Roy Howard


Marketing & Management


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I have always dreamt of combining my passion for Marketing with writing and helping students. I will follow all your requirements to make your paper flawless!

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