Your Best Guide to Writing a Convincing Essay Conclusion


What is an Essay Conclusion?

An essay conclusion is your work’s final paragraph. It aims to summarize your entire essay and emphasize its significance. However, your essay ending shouldn’t just restate some essay points. Instead, it highlights your findings and gives them scientific value.

An essay conclusion must be concise yet informative and convincing. A proper essay conclusion must also bring a final word to your thesis, proving or debunking it. Then, it displays the importance of your topic. Finally, it brings meaning to your essay arguments.

What about the essay’s conclusion length? Read further to check it out.

How Long Should the Conclusion of an Essay Be?

Your conclusion size depends on your essay volume. For most papers, conclusions have to be up to 100-120 words. By following this word count, you can craft an informative, meaningful, and concise essay conclusion. But what if your work exceeds 3,000-5,000 words?

In this case, you can extend the essay conclusion but keep it to the point anyway. Consequently, the more body paragraphs you have, the longer your essay finale should be.

The crucial point is to prevent your final paragraph from turning into a separate essay section with some vague ideas. Make sure to summarize the essay’s purpose and bring the arguments together.

Conclusion Paragraph Outline

How to start a conclusion in an essay? We recommend you to follow this conclusion paragraph outline:

1. A Starting Point

You have to begin your essay conclusion with a reworded thesis statement. For example, your thesis statement is: Vaccination is widely debated today since it has both advantages and downsides. Still, it has to be widely accepted as it’s the only way of preventing deadly commutable diseases.

The rephrased thesis statement should look like this: Although vaccines may involve adverse health effects, governments still have to support massive vaccination for the sake of collective immunity and disease prevention.

Note that you don’t need to render the exact meaning of your thesis statement. Your essay conclusion may contain additional context that comes from your findings. In other words, be more specific with your rephrased thesis statement.

2. A Summary of Your Findings and Arguments

After hitting the conclusion beginning, you have to summarize your arguments and connect them. So briefly rephrase them and answer the “what’s the point” question. It means that you have to explain how your ideas prove your thesis statement.

How long should this part be? It depends on how many body paragraphs your essay contains. Generally, one sentence per body paragraph is enough.

Example: Vaccination advantages are evident: it ensures 100% public immunization and prevents millions of deaths worldwide. Meanwhile, there is no direct connection between vaccine application and the claimed adverse health effects. Consequently, there is no reason for rejecting a massive vaccination.

3. The Final Word

The last part of your essay conclusion must bring a sense of completeness to your essay. Additionally, you can recall your introduction hook and bring a call for action. Here is the example: The final decision is yours: get vaccinated and stay safe or let the anti-vaccine propaganda threaten your health.

Please note that you have to use linking words to make your conclusion sound complete and logical. Now, take a look at the entire piece:

Although vaccines may involve adverse health effects, governments still have to support massive vaccination for the sake of collective immunity and disease prevention. Vaccination advantages are evident: it ensures 100% public immunization and prevents millions of deaths worldwide. Meanwhile, there is no direct connection between vaccine application and the claimed adverse health effects. Consequently, there is no reason for rejecting a massive vaccination. Given that, the final decision is yours: get vaccinated and stay safe or let the anti-vaccine propaganda threaten your health.

Top Strategies to Use for Writing Essay Conclusions

The following strategies will help you elaborate on the conclusion of an essay:

Addressing Your Essay Introduction

Addressing your essay introduction allows you to get an additional emphasis on your topic. It also helps you deliver a better understanding of your ideas. Check the following example:


As Plato once said, God provided us with education and physical activity to succeed in life. But ancient wisdom died in vain, unfortunately. Today, sedentary behavior prevails among office workers. People spend over eight hours in front of their computers, which involves devastating health adverse effects, including obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Nonetheless, companies seem to ignore this issue. Instead, they have to build exercising facilities and incorporate fitness programs to eliminate sedentary lifestyle risks.


Society and companies have to pay more attention to the sedentary lifestyle to change our lives for the better once and for all. Plato was truly right about the importance of physical activity. So today’s scientists are, emphasizing exercising benefits and substantial harm of constant sitting. Consequently, incorporating fitness programs and incentives for office workers to maintain high physical activity will reduce sedentary behavior risks. Thus, humanity will train both soul and body, achieving success beyond imagination.

This example illustrates how you can use citations in your intro and refer to them in your essay finale. It will help you find better words to conclude an essay, make a good impression, and, most importantly, receive high grades for academic writing.

Predicting the Future

You can address the implications that will occur in case everyone ignores your essay idea. This method suits topics like vaccination, global warming, genetic engineering, etc. Take a look at the following example:

Global warming is a collective problem that will disrupt our future unless solved. Rise in average Earth temperature involves drastic climate change: polar ice shields melt, animals go extinct, hurricanes and floods level entire cities. Thus, governments have to apply efficient approaches to decrease global greenhouse gasses emissions and stop environmental pollution. Nonetheless, this problem touches not only governments but also each of us. Unless we learn to take care of nature, our planet is doomed.

Challenging Your Reader

The challenge strategy brings a call to action or encourages your reader to project your essay idea onto their lives. You can apply this method to argumentative and persuasive essays, for instance. In other words, this strategy works best with social topics that somehow relate to all of us. The conclusion about vaccines we wrote above is the challenge method example.

As shown, there are three most efficient ways to conclude an essay. Now, let’s describe strategies that don’t work.

Concluding Strategies That Do Not Work

Students often weaken their conclusions by making several common mistakes. So here are the wrong ways to end an essay:

Plain Retelling

After dropping bitter tears on your keyboard, you will feel an irresistible temptation to restate your essay statements and arguments in the final paragraph. That’s what many students do and thus deprive themselves of high grades. Here is an example:

  • A thesis statement: Coca-Cola is healthier than Pepsi.
  • A lousy thesis restatement: Pepsi is worse than Coke.
  • A good thesis statement summary: Due to smoother flavor, fewer calories, and smaller sugar/caffeine content, Coke makes up a healthier beverage overall.

Hence, the second conclusion variant not only retells the thesis statement but also explains it.

Introducing New Information

A conclusion must finish your essay, not bring new information. Thus, you have to avoid introducing new arguments.

Otherwise, your writing will sound unfinished and irrational, as if you missed something essential and attempted to compensate for it. Consequently, adding new information is a great way to confuse your tutor, but not to conclude essay.

Copy-Pasting Essay Statements

It’s unacceptable to paste essay statements or entire sentences into your conclusion as they are. Doing so will make your concision sound plain. Furthermore, copy-pasting will show your careless attitude toward your work and disrespect towards your teachers. So, it’s better not to irritate them with copied content.

Emphasizing Minor Findings

Each of your essay paragraphs might contain mini-conclusions and findings. For example, you found that Coke’s recipe was changed in 1985. Does this statement make sense regarding the ultimate “Coke vs Pepsi” question? Including such minor findings into your essay conclusion might confuse the reader. On that account, it’s better to avoid less important information while writing an essay conclusion. Instead, focus on the overall essay value.

Starting Your Conclusion with Cliché Phrases

Don’t use phrases like “in conclusion” and “to sum up.” You might use them throughout the essay body, but avoid them while writing a conclusion. Think about it: your reader sees that they’ve reached the end of your essay. They’re already reading your essay finale, especially if it contains a “the bottom line” subheading. So there’s no need to add concluding phrases.

In this situation, your reader will consider them clichés. Worse yet, your professor might think you add such phrases to get the required word count. Given that, avoid these clichés. Instead, make a logical transition between the last body paragraph and the conclusion.

Deprecating Your Findings

Devaluing your essay is the worst thing you can do. What does it mean? It means using these phrases to start a conclusion:

  • I’m only a student, after all.
  • I’m not an expert, but…
  • [Your thesis statement] is a complicated question, and no one can answer it with 100% accuracy…

You will demonstrate that your research is crap that doesn’t deserve any attention by including these phrases. In this way, you devalue your achievements. Instead, your conclusion must reflect the power of your research.

After all, your task is to do outstanding research. However, by undermining your essay, you show your reader that you’ve failed. It’s more of a self-esteem issue. Still, there is no place for introspection in essay writing.

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Check Some Essay Conclusion Examples

You can read more essay conclusion examples below:

Example 1

A conclusion for the essay topic: Plastic remains the most eco-friendly option.

No reasonable plastic replacement has been invented yet. Producing plastic alternatives, such as paper and aluminum, requires more industrial capacity, which leaves a larger overall carbon dioxide footprint. Given that, governments and scientists have to develop more types of highly degradable and recyclable plastic as well as build more recycling facilities.

Example 2

A conclusion on this topic: Are face masks effective against viruses?

Face masks are generally effective, yet their effectiveness varies extensively and depends on the mask type. Disposable N95 respirators give you maximum protection, while surgical and cloth masks only shorten the airborne infection transmission distance. Consequently, N95 respirators can become the most efficient option for preventing infections.

Example 3

Check the essay conclusion on the following topic: Should parents forbid their children to play video games?

Parents should not prevent their children from playing video games, but reasonable limitations must be applied. Thus, playing video games may impair children’s studying achievements or make them less physically active overall. On the other side, video games develop fine motor skills, coordination, and reaction. Besides, video games provide space for socialization. Consequently, parents should track and regulate their children’s video game consumption to benefit from gaming advantages and limit its adverse effects.

Final Thoughts

Writing an essay conclusion is easier than it seems to be. You can finish your essay with striking and powerful lines with ease. For this, restate your thesis statement within your research context, summarize and connect essay arguments, and bring the sense of completeness to your essay conclusion. Now that you know how to end an essay properly, it’s high time to impress your tutor with a flawless paper. If you feel like you might need help, you can text us “do my essay online”.


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