Evaluation Essay


What is an Evaluation Essay?

An evaluation provides an in-depth assessment of a subject — a literary piece, business, or event. Reading an assessment provides unbiased insight on an issue or subject.

So, what is an evaluation essay?

This is a genre of essay writing that combines elements of descriptive and informative essays. As a student or scholar, you’ll get to write at least one evaluation essay every semester.

Evaluation essay writing allows students to explore a given scenario and provide their unbiased opinion. However, the results of your assessment can often contain misinterpretations due to your inherent bias. After all, everyone has a unique perspective.

Nonetheless, you should eliminate your opinions from any evaluation essay. And this can be achieved through constant practice and conditioning.

To that effect, experts and instructors have come up with a set of standard guidelines to steer your interpretation of the facts in the right direction.

The guidelines are the CJE guidelines!

CJE guidelines

CJE is an acronym for the core tenets of an evaluation essay: criteria, judgment, evidence. Armed with this trifecta, you can tackle any assignment while eliminating all traces of inherent bias.

Let’s break down these guidelines (using oranges).


Before you start writing your evaluation essay, you must establish specific criteria. Let’s say you have oranges; you can’t jump straight into talking about oranges in general. Your ‘orange’ assessment should focus on specific characteristics like taste, color, or nutritional value.

Moreover, a firmly-established criterion forms the bedrock of your ideal depiction of the subject. For instance, your criteria for a perfect orange might be roundness and a juicy taste. Setting down these markers beforehand will help eliminate errors in judgment.


With a clear understanding of the benchmarks, you can easily determine if your argument passes the test.

Is the orange round or oval? Does it have a bitter or sweet taste?

Answering these questions based on the set criteria will help you create a bias-free judgment.


All the points you express in your evaluation essay must be evidence-based. Remember that you are writing an academic paper rather than an opinion piece. We cannot trust your taste buds and eyesight to determine a sumptuous orange. But if you back up your claims with evidence from trustworthy sources, your argument will land with massive authority.

How to Choose a Topic for an Evaluation Essay

Unfortunately, most instructors prefer to specify the topic for the evaluation essay. This grand-old system helps them develop a uniform marking rubric for every student. Consequently, it limits the student’s freedom to express their thoughts. The only positive is that it brings you out of your comfort zone.

But if you get the opportunity to choose your topic, you are in luck. Always focus on subjects right up your alley and smash the essay with some aplomb.

Here are some tips on choosing evaluation essay topics:

  • Choose a topic relevant to the discipline.
  • Choose a topic that you can give your 100%
  • Avoid complicated topics if you don’t have ample time to conduct thorough research.
  • Select topics with clear-cut assessment criteria

Movie Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Movies From Overseas Or Governmental Support To Local Cinema
  • Characters Analysis In “The Help” Movie
  • The Theme Of Women’s Equality In Movies
  • “Room With A View” Differences And Similarities Between The Book And The Movie
  • Analysis Of Movie “Little Miss Sunshine”
  • American Beauty Movie Review
  • Analysis Of The Movie Crash
  • Concept Of Positive Psychology In Movie Pursuit Of Happiness
  • Movie Critique: “The Patriot” By Roland Emmerich
  • Immoral Movie By Adolfo Alix Jr Review
  • An Evaluation of the Movie “The Passion of Christ”

Restaurant Evaluation Essay Ideas

  • Restaurant Management
  • Fast Food Restaurant
  • The Restaurant Industry
  • Red Lobster Restaurant
  • Marketing And Restaurant Management
  • My Favorite Restaurant
  • Aristocrat Restaurant: Problem Analysis
  • Olive Garden Restaurants Nowadays
  • The Popularity Of Fast Food Restaurants
  • Economic Analysis Of The Chicken Restaurant KFC
  • An Evaluation On Working At McDonalds
  • Financial Analysis Of McDonalds Company
  • History Of The Restaurant
  • Research Paper On Restaurant Management
  • Contrast Between 2 Restaurants You Eaten In

Evaluation Essay Topics

  • Evaluation of Medical Accuracy in Grey’s Anatomy
  • Evaluation of The Film Adaptation of The Spiderman Comics
  • Evaluation of Historical Accuracy of The Play Hamilton
  • Evaluation of Historical Accuracy in The Braveheart
  • Evaluation of The Aesthetics Quality of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
  • Eu-osha: an Analysis and Evaluation Focusing on Ageing Workers
  • Evaluation of The Rationality of Free Trade
  • Evaluation of Historical Accuracy in The Film 12 Years a Slave
  • An Overview and Evaluation of Dare Program
  • Psychological Evaluation of John Nash Through Analysis of The Film a Beautiful Mind

Evaluation Argument Essay Topics

  • Argument : Zero Tolerance Policy
  • Argument Against Affirmative Action
  • Intersexuality And Transsexuality In Hird’s Arguments
  • Explain The Cosmological Argument For The Existence Of God
  • Comparison Of Berkeley’s And Descartes’ Arguments Regarding Primary Qualities
  • Social Culture Regarding Happiness
  • Arguments For And Against Cochlear Implant

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How to Write an Evaluation Essay?

Writing an evaluation essay is not an off-the-cuff exercise to determine your prowess in coming up with fantasies. You can only ace this assignment by providing a criteria-based and evidence-supported evaluation of a subject.

And it all starts with choosing a topic…

Let’s look at a step by step guide on how to write an evaluation essay.

  1. Select your topic. If the professor doesn’t specify the topic, you can brainstorm a few familiar ideas to cover in your evaluation. Another option is to check online sources for topic suggestions. Whatever your choice, focus on providing a well-informed judgment on the subject of discussion.
  2. Brainstorm and research. Some students regard research as a waste of time. Why spend hours surfing web pages and pdfs when you can write at the same time, eh? This is a valid point. But remember that you always need a coherent strategy and criteria for your evaluation essay. Brainstorming will help you develop a central theme, while research will arm you with irrefutable evidence.
  3. Gather evidence. Since your opinion is not an authority on the subject, you’ll require proof to support your claims. However, not every source of information is reliable. Don’t use information from blogs or open-collaboration websites like Wikipedia. Spend some time going through the evidence to determine the credibility of the data.
  4. Create an outline. You can create your essay’s framework while brainstorming. Or you can outline your points just before you start working on the initial draft.
  5. Create the first draft. After gathering your facts and preparing your workspace, start working on the paper’s first draft. Use the initial outline to help you stay on course. This step is the most important part of evaluation essay writing. So, you need to eliminate any distractions that will derail your train of thought. Don’t worry too much about mistakes; you can fix them during the review.
  6. Review and make changes. When you complete your initial draft, take a short break before reviewing your essay. Check your grammar to ensure everything is air-tight. But the proofreading should not focus on the grammar alone. You should also verify the citations and evidence provided in the piece. Don’t hesitate to cross-check the source if you have any lingering doubts about its credibility.

Evaluation Essay Example

Evaluation essays come in different forms and difficulty levels. You can get a topic way out of your league or land an easy subject for your paper. If you have a demanding lecturer, you might receive a task folder with an essay that requires statistical analysis. Now, that’d be a proper head-scratcher.

Notwithstanding, the most common evaluation essay in academic institutions is an evaluation argument essay. Students are required to analyze other people’s thoughts on an issue. Here, your only task is to check the validity of the author’s arguments.

Are their opinions fact-based? Did they reach the right conclusions?

An excellent evaluation essay example is “The Ethical Implications of the Death Penalty.”

But if you need some external stimuli for your evaluation essay, you can always find any online essay database. These online resources will give you pointers for your essay and help you kickstart your writing process.

Here are some of them:



Evaluation Essay VS Review

It is quite easy to confuse evaluation essays with reviews. After all, they all focus on assessing a subject. Believe this: most students fall into the trap of writing reviews instead of evaluations. And as a consequence, they flunk the papers.

But what differentiates an evaluation essay from a review? How can I spot the difference from the topic?

We will establish a relationship between both forms of writing according to the following categories:

  1. Nature. Both reviews and evaluation essays require a thorough analysis of a given subject.
  2. Evidence. You don’t need any proof for your opinionated review. But your evaluation essay must contain information from reliable sources.
  3. Perspective. A review is an evidence-backed paper that features the writer’s opinions and perception of the subject, while an evaluation essay eliminates any personal opinion. In essence, reviews are subjective, while evaluation essays are objective.
  4. Criteria: Reviews are general. They cover as many aspects of the subject as possible. Evaluation essays focus on specific assessment criteria rather than generalized objectives.
  5. Citations. References are optional when writing a review. You can cite the sources for a review if you feel it adds extra credibility to your arguments. Alternatively, you need to provide a reference (citation) for every data in your evaluation essay.

Tips on Writing an Evaluation Essay from Our Experts

You now know what an evaluation essay is and can differentiate it from reviews. You have followed the proper writing guidelines for your paper to the tee, but something seems off. It is hard to put the finger on it, but your essay doesn’t sound quite right. Apparently, the delivery is off, and the points are all over the place.

Say no more! Our experts have gathered various writing tips to help you take your writing to the next level.

Start with a bang

The best advice on how to start an evaluation essay is to come up with a killer introduction. Think about it: a banging intro will set a very positive precedent for your paper. Therefore, you should dedicate more time to come up with a captivating introduction relevant to the topic.

Mind the instructions

Every instruction in the task folder is there for a reason. Don’t be a wiseass and try to make your own rules. If the lecturer specifies double-spacing, follow that instruction. If the paper should be formatted in MLA, don’t use APA. And try not to exceed the word count by over 10% of the total.

Keep your writing simple

Using big words will only get you in trouble. Nobody likes a showoff. Don’t flood the text with words just to impress the teacher. In fact, teachers find the wrong usage of words quite irritating. And your final score will reflect that!

Work on your thesis statement

The thesis statement is the shortest but most vital section in any academic essay. It is the paper’s nucleus. With that in mind, you should revise your thesis statement multiple times to ensure it is in line with the essay’s theme.

Don’t rush

We all know the thrill of leaving assignments until the last minute. But you can back yourself into a corner without proper planning. And most essays you write in a hurry will contain a lot of errors.

To avoid these mishaps, set a personal timetable for all your pending tasks and try to follow them regularly.

Use online academic resources

Online tools like Grammarly will help you polish your grammar and delivery tone. You can also monitor the word count simultaneously. Citation bots can help you generate correct citations for various print and online sources.

Ultimately, use a plagiarism-checker to analyze your paper before submission.

Write My Evaluation Essay for Me, Please!

If you are stuck with piles of paperwork, and your brain is screaming “mayday”, it might be time to call in the experts. Don’t worry; we will give your paper the first-class treatment. Our experts are trained professionals in their fields, and they dedicate every resource to providing quality content.

Make no mistake: you can go ahead and spend multiple sleepless nights on your evaluation essays. But ask yourself: is it worth the hassle?

And this is no coy plan to convince you that we are your only solutions. Let’s go through the commonsensical benefits of hiring writing assistance.

  1. You will relieve yourself of the stress involved with pulling all-nighters.
  2. Your nightly coffee intake will reduce.
  3. Deadlines will no longer scare the crap out of you.
  4. You will free up your schedule for more socially demanding activities.
  5. Your grades will receive a significant boost.
  6. Your papers will always have consistent and top-notch written content.

So, if you are stressed or simply struggling with your evaluation essays, we are right here to bail you out.

In general, an evaluation essay is a form of essay writing that thoroughly explores a subject or idea based on evidence-based criteria. You can always choose a topic for your essay based on your interests. But if you want to take on a more challenging approach, you should follow the steps provided in this guide. Try to maintain a coherent and convincing exploration of the central subject. However, don’t confuse your evaluation with a review — both differ in content and perspective. Ultimately, the tips above will help you tackle evaluation essays of varying difficulty. And if you feel the task is too overwhelming for you, don’t hesitate to write us “do my essay”.


Gabriela Allen
Gabriela Allen


Journalism & Mass Media


5+ years


I am exactly the one who can save you from failed deadlines! With me, you will definitely get an A+ and appraisal from your professor.

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