An Ultimate Guide to Acing a Gun Control Essay


Gun Control Essay: The Basics


To craft a quality paper on gun control, a student needs to understand its definition first. A gun control essay is an argumentative essay in which a student provides their position on the issue and provides their arguments and facts to support their thesis statement.


Depending on an essay topic and a student’s side, an essay about gun control may have various goals:

  • persuading the audience why stricter gun control is needed;
  • demonstrating why the existing laws are enough for controlling the right to own firearms.

Note that while writing a gun control argumentative essay, your aim is not to tell the audience about the problem in general or provide the pros and cons of owning guns. You need to take a certain stance in your paper and prove it to your readers.


The topic of an argumentative essay on gun control should be clear, eye-catchy, and thought-provoking for your reader to stop for a second with your paper in hand and continue reading. Note that your topic should correlate with your thesis statement as well. It can reflect a pro-gun or anti-gun position, but still, it has to be precise and engaging.

How to Form a Title for a Gun Control Essay?

When coming up with an essay title, you need to think about two things: first, your topic. You have to understand the core idea of your paper and be able to write it in short in the gun control essay title. Second, you have to remember about creativity: your essay title has to make readers interested in your paper. Therefore, don’t be afraid to use abundant vocabulary, a play on words, and other writing devices to draw the audience’s attention to your essay on gun control. Below, you can find the examples of smart gun control essay titles:

To shoot or not to shoot: why do we need to rethink the current gun law?

Gun control taken under control: why strict regulation on guns is needed?

Crime, violence, and smoking barrels: why stricter gun laws cannot reduce crime levels?

Gun Control Essay Structure

An A+ gun control essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

The gun control essay introduction consists of the background information on the main problem you want to discuss and a thesis statement. The goal of the introduction is to open the topic and show its importance to the audience. Also, it has to demonstrate your position on gun control that you will reveal in the next essay parts.

To intrigue your reader, you can use various writing hooks at the beginning of an introduction: statistical data, quotes, survey results, etc. But keep in mind that using jokes to start a gun control essay is not reasonable, so refrain from starting your essay with them.

An essay body usually consists of three paragraphs. Each paragraph has one argument to support your thesis and a few pieces of evidence to affirm your claim. Keep in mind that you do not need to present all arguments in the same sentence. Presenting your arguments one by one will make your writing more consistent and trustworthy.

Finally, do not overlook the importance of the conclusion. This essay part has to wrap up everything you stated before without giving any new information. The goal of the gun control essay conclusion is to convince your reader of your position at last.

Tips and Hints on Writing a Gun Control Essay

Take a side that you support

Unless you were given a topic by your instructor, we suggest that you choose a topic on your own. It is a reasonable option for students who do not like writing assignments and struggle with their homework a lot. Once you choose a topic that you like and are genuinely interested in, it will be easier for you to find proper arguments to support it.

Research your topic

Once you’ve chosen a certain side on a gun control issue, you can start researching it. Use all the sources advised by your professor and try to choose as many additional references as you can. Remember to pick only trusted sources for your writing since the quality of your paper depends on the relevance of your arguments and the truthfulness of your evidence.

Shape your thesis statement

Once you’ve gathered enough material on your topic, you can start shaping your thesis statement. Since it is a key claim of your anti-gun or pro gun control essay, you have to work on its word choice and sentence formulation attentively. Don’t be in a hurry when writing your thesis as its quality determines the entire quality of your paper.

Don’t start writing until you have an outline to follow

Some students believe that they can start writing their essays once they have their thesis statement done. It is a wrong idea: one cannot write a good paper without a plan. Therefore, don’t rush to type your body paragraphs, and start working on your gun control essay outline. Complete it as per our instructions on gun control essay structure above, and then go on with writing your paper.

Check your writing twice

Do you feel tempted to submit your gun control essay to your instructor once you finish writing it? We know that feeling, but trust us: that’s not what you need to do now. Instead, skim through your essay to cross out unnecessary adjectives, remove redundant words, and edit some sentences. Then, put your gun control essay away for a day or a few hours at least to have a rest. When you get back to your paper the second time, proofread it attentively to remove the mistakes you did not notice earlier.

Follow formatting guidelines

Don’t neglect the formatting instructions provided by your instructor. Check whether the text font, size, spacing, and citation format meet the requirements of your school or college. Print your paper for submission or email it to your professor only after you’ve made sure you had written it the best way you could.

Argumentative Essay Topics For Gun Control

  • Should There Be Gun Control
  • Gun Control: For A Safer Society
  • The Development And Control Of Chemical And Biology
  • Gun Control In The US
  • Gun Control Legislation
  • American Civil War: Major Types Of Guns

Persuasive Essay Topics About Gun Control

  • Gun Control In America
  • Government’s Regulation On Gun Control
  • What Influences Criminal Behavior?
  • Gun Control In America Today
  • Handgun Control In The United States

Problem Solution Essay Gun Control Topics

  • Gun Control Good Or Bad
  • Gun Control Vs. Gun Rights
  • Gun Control Should Be Banned
  • Gun Control Comparison
  • Gun Control Discursive

Anti Gun Control Essay Topics

  • Three Reasons Against Gun Control
  • Should Gun Control Laws Be Stricter?
  • Gun Violence In America Research Paper
  • Should Guns Be Banned?
  • Gun In America’s Cultural Literacy
  • Guns On Campus: Good Or Bad
  • Guns Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond

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Gun Control Essay Example

Crime, violence, and smoking barrels: why stricter gun laws cannot reduce crime levels?

The talks on stricter gun control have been going on for the last few decades. More and more politicians put the blame for high crime levels on the Second Amendment. But is it true that current gun legislation contributes to criminals getting firearms legally, and therefore, committing more crimes? According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, only 10.1% of prisoners purchased their guns at a legal retail source. Therefore, stricter gun laws will not resolve the problem of crime.

The first reason why gun law does not affect crime rates is that criminals do not obey laws. Most of the time, they prefer refraining from purchasing guns legally since they have plenty of sources to get firearms from, e.g. buying from illegal dealers, renting or borrowing from friends or family, receiving a firearm as a present, stealing one from a store, a victim, or a crime scene, etc. (Alper, Mariel, and Lauren Glaze), and neither of these distribution channels can be regulated by gun legislation.

Another reason for the crime rates increase is the ineffectiveness of background checks. For example, a person who plans to commit a crime but has no previous history of law-violating conduct will not be scared of background checks if they decide to buy a gun legally. The same is true for an individual who has been suffering from mental illness but never received treatment: the background check does not identify that they should not be allowed to obtain a gun. Finally, a drug user can lie while filling out the form for a background check and claim that they do not do drugs. The background check is not effective in all mentioned cases and it is not surprising: the study conducted in 1981-2000 in California confirmed that state homicide rates were not affected by personal data checks of the gun owners (Castillo-Carniglia, Alvaro, et al).

Last, but not least is that stricter gun laws will reduce the number of law-abiding citizens who are seeking to obtain a firearm. Such a perspective is not desirable in terms of reducing crime rates since the criminals are afraid of people who own guns. The study conducted on 2000 prison inmates demonstrated that they were scared of their armed victims even more than the police (Wright, James D., and Peter H. Rossi). Also, the armament of law-abiding citizens contributes to reducing crime rates in a long-term perspective. This was proven by several studies and statistical data: the crime levels decreased over 50% since 1991 (Cook, Philip J., and Jens Ludwig), while the number of gun owners doubled during this period according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 2019 report.

Thus, we can conclude that imposing stricter gun laws will not reduce crime levels. Criminals continue to obtain guns from illegal sources as they have been doing before, and the current background check mechanism fails to identify all potential criminals and their intentions. Besides this, stricter gun control will worsen the crime situation since it will affect only law-abiding citizens. Therefore, to lower crime rates, the federal and state governments need to consider the relaxation of gun law.

Works cited

  1. Alper, Mariel, and Lauren Glaze. “Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016.” Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 9 Jan. 2019,
  2. Castillo-Carniglia, Alvaro, et al. “California’s Comprehensive Background Check and Misdemeanor Violence Prohibition Policies and Firearm Mortality.” Annals of Epidemiology, Elsevier, 11 Oct. 2018,
  3. Cook, Philip J., and Jens Ludwig. “Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive National Survey on Firearms Ownership and Use,” Police Foundation, 1996,
  4. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. “Firearms Commerce in the United States, Annual Statistical Update 2019,” ATF, 2019,
  5. Wright, James D., and Peter H. Rossi. ARMED AND CONSIDERED DANGEROUS: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms, Routledge, 1994.

How to Get Your Gun Control Essay Done With

If you still need help with writing or editing your gun control persuasive essay, consider contacting professional writers from the service. You can order your paper quickly on our website and have it done by deadline, just ask “do my essay online”. To do that, fill out the order form and mention all the details regarding your assignment. Once your order is placed, we will choose the best writer for it, and you will be able to contact them. Your writer will work on your paper as per your instructions, and once the paper is done, you will be notified by email. At this point, you will need to check the paper to make sure it meets your expectations. If any corrections are needed, you can contact your writer immediately so that they could revise your essay. In case you have any questions regarding your cooperation with the WriteMyEssays Service writer, feel free to reach out to us anytime.


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