How to Write a High School Research Paper


How to Write a Good High School Research Paper?

Your next research paper shouldn’t worry you just because you aren’t a writing genius. The fact is that with proper high school research paper guidelines, you can up your game and compose a perfect assignment. This article offers actionable insights on how to start, structure, end, conclude, and outline this academic task. Keep reading to learn how to boost your paper-writing game.

What Is a High School Research Paper?

It’s critical to define a high school research paper and understand how it differs from other tasks. A high school research paper answers a specific question and defends it using academic data, sources, and critical reasoning. Writing this assignment hones your focus during a research project, synthesizes your learning, and explains why your work matters to other audiences in your academic field.

How to Start a High School Research Paper?

Giving a good head start for your paper is critical. This section examines the best way to begin your assignment.

Start Early

The first step to succeeding in your assignment is to start working on it immediately after your instructor assigns it. This approach is the most productive because it gives you enough time to focus and prepare the necessary materials or ask questions about confusing points.

Examine the Assignment

Read the prompt to understand what the instructor wants you to do. Take time and analyze the prompt and the guidelines so that you don’t start on the wrong footing or go off-topic in the process.

Research Potential Topics

You need to research possible topics before proceeding. The best way to do this is by discovering what others have written about it. This way, you will be better positioned to introduce a new topic or a fresh angle to the well-researched study areas.

Narrow Down Your Topic

You’ll need to narrow your research question if its contents may potentially exceed your paper’s scope. Otherwise, you might not fully exhaust your discussion and defend your thesis.

Select Your Topic

Next, choose the best topic to write about. Ensure it’s interesting enough to let you enjoy the writing process and produce an exciting, readable piece for your audience.

Draft Several Hypotheses

Draft possible answers to your research question. You may use your previous knowledge to answer this question.

Identify Primary Data Sources

Gathering primary data sources to defend your claims depends on your topic or project. For instance, a scientific project might require setting up an experiment to gather data. Remember to write notes as you read your primary data sources or observe an experiment’s results.

Assess Your Sources

When researching other authors’ work, evaluate them to determine their credibility, originality, and relevance to your study area.

Interpret Your Data

Data interpretation ensures it supports your thesis. Also, it lets you know if the content requires revision before proceeding.


You’ll need to wireframe your data and organize your thoughts before writing them down in a final draft. An outline helps you organize what comes first, second, and so on.

Write Your First Copy

Finally, draft your initial copy draft. Afterward, polish your task to guarantee its styling and grammatical cleanness.

How to Structure a High School Research Paper?

Correct structuring is important because it ensures your ideas flow logically, allowing readers to navigate your paper easily and understand it. Moreover, a correctly structured assignment is a guarantee of high grades, as professors pay particular attention to this aspect of writing quality.

How to End a High School Research Paper?

A proper ending is critical when you want to compose excellent research papers. This section provides actionable tips that will help you finish your article on a compelling note.

Close With a Recommendation

This finishing technique lets you summarize the points you raised in the article as part of your suggestions to readers. For instance, a research paper on industrial pollution might end with a recommendation to reduce industrial dumpsites.

Show Value and Limitations

You should also end your paper by showcasing its significance without claiming excessive territory. However, be honest enough to show readers any potential limitations and weaknesses. This honesty allows readers to follow your works and makes you sound more credible.

Tie Back to The Theory

A good research paper summarizes current knowledge on a particular subject or advances, if possible. Your conclusion should tie up your findings with the subject’s theoretical understanding.

Suggest Future Studies

Finally, you can end your paper by suggesting future research into the subject you discussed. This element is vital, especially if you notice serious knowledge gaps in the subject you’ve researched. These missing links are excellent opportunities to recommend further studies. Moreover, this approach allows you and your readers to spot questions that need answers, revealing your paper’s valuable contribution to a specific study field.

High School Research Paper Outline

Do you want to compose high-quality research papers? Then, you should work on your outlining skills. Many students struggle with their research papers because they haven’t mastered this writing aspect. A great research paper requires a systematic and organized outline, ensuring you address all the necessary issues that make your paper tick.

So, how do you create a great outline for your research paper? Not a big deal! You need to start by listing all the important categories and subtopics you wish to cover in your assignment. Consider all the data you’ve gathered when compiling your paper’s evidence and determine the best way to separate and categorize everything.

With your list at hand, you need to establish the best order for presenting your information. Determine related subtopics and how they should follow one another. Remember, some papers can be complex. Thus, you might need to break up your outline into paragraphs. This approach is more beneficial, especially if you are a beginner, because it helps you remain organized even when you have little information to discuss. Additionally, it allows you to remain in charge of your paper’s flow and direction. Don’t forget that fixing structural challenges at the outline level is easier than after you’ve written the paper.

You should also remember to include supporting evidence in your outline. This point is necessary because it ensures nothing slips through your fingers.

So, how does a good outline look? Below is a sample outline for a great five-paragraph high school research paper.

  1. Intro
  • An introductory sentence.
  • A supporting sentence, citation, or quote.
  • A supporting sentence, citation, or quote.
  • A thesis statement with at least three points.
  1. Body Paragraph I
  • A topic sentence connected to the first point of your thesis statement.
  • Supporting sentence 1 or an explained quote.
  • Supporting sentence 2 or an explained quote.
  • Supporting sentence 3 or an explained quote.
  • Your interpretation of the presented data and a transition to the next point.

III. Body Paragraph II

  • Topic sentence connected to your thesis’s second point.
  • Supporting sentence 1 or an explained quote.
  • Supporting sentence 2 or an explained quote.
  • Supporting sentence 3 or an explained quote.
  • Your interpretation of the presented data and a transition to the next point.
  1. Body Paragraph III
  • Topic sentence related to your thesis’s third point.
  • Supporting sentence 1 or quote with an explanation.
  • Supporting sentence 2 or an explained quote.
  • Supporting sentence 3 or an explained quote.
  • Your interpretation of the presented data and a transition to the next point.
  1. Conclusion
  • Rephrase your thesis.
  • Supporting sentence 1.
  • Supporting sentence 2.
  • Final thoughts, including recommendations for future studies or additional questions.

High School Research Paper Introduction

Your introduction is vital in your quest on how to write a research paper high school. A good introduction must address three fundamental issues your readers are interested in. The introduction of a good assignment must address the what, why, and how questions. These three issues show readers why your paper is worth reading and how you’ll build your arguments to develop your thesis.

  1. The What. Your intro should specify your paper’s topic, introduce its background, and define key concepts or terms.
  2. The This introduction component is vital but also difficult. Therefore, give brief answers that inform readers about any new insight or materials your paper provides. It must also tell the reader about the critical issues you wish to define or answer.
  3. The Lastly, this section must tell readers what to expect from your article. Thus, it needs a roadmap of what you will discuss and briefly present the paper’s vital elements chronologically.

Additionally, your introduction must present the main themes and figures, if possible. It must also pave the way for your thesis statement. A great thesis statement stems from good research questions that ask why things happen and why they’re important, offering fresh interpretations of events.

Drafting a great thesis isn’t always a one-time job. Sometimes, you may have to draft and revise it several times to make it aligned with your research question. Additionally, your conclusion can offer insights into what you debated in your paper, making you flexible enough to revisit your intro and thesis statement.

High School Research Paper Body

A good paper comprises a body section where you discuss your arguments and defend your thesis. This section contains paragraphs featuring different ideas. Every paragraph must contain a topic sentence, a solid idea, and a commentary. The topic sentence presents the idea you will dispute or support. This sentence usually opens a paragraph with a concrete idea related to your research. The commentary is also vital because it analyzes and assesses the detail you provided. This feature distinguishes research papers from reports.

High School Research Paper Conclusion

Now, how should you write a conclusion for your assignment? This final section is vital because it helps readers understand why your research matters to them after they’ve read it.

Please remember that a conclusion isn’t a mere summary of points or a restatement of your research question. Instead, it synthesizes the key points. A good conclusion also lets you showcase your in-depth understanding of the research problem you’ve just tackled. You can achieve this goal by doing the following.

Present The Final Take On the Issues Your Paper Raised

Remember that your intro gave readers a positive first impression to make them want to read your paper. Likewise, the conclusion lets you leave a reader with a lasting impression that shows them the value they got by reading your academic writing piece. You can achieve this goal by highlighting your findings’ broader implications for the area of study or their real-life applications.

Summarize Your Thoughts and Convey Your Study’s Overall Implications

This section allows you to answer the reader’s “so what” question. It places the study within the context of previous research on the topic you covered.

Demonstrate Your Ideas’ Importance

Your conclusion also lets you demonstrate the significance of your findings. This way, you showcase your mastery of the topic you covered.

Introduce New Perspectives to the Research Question

This opportunity doesn’t necessarily mean you may introduce fresh information to the paper. Instead, it offers new insights, perspectives, and innovative approaches for handling the research problem based on your study’s results.

APA Formatting Guidelines for High School Research Papers

This section shares the basics of how to write a high school research paper in APA format. Below are some requirements to remember.

  • Type your paper on A4 size paper
  • Double-space everything
  • Use 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Leave only one space after punctuation
  • Set every margin to 1 inch on all sides
  • Indent every paragraph’s first line by 0.5 inches
  • Eliminate extra spaces between paragraphs​

Treat paragraph titles in the text differently from the reference page by:

  • Capitalizing all words that are four letters long or longer.
  • Using italics for the titles of longer works referred to in your assignment, such as books, websites, or movies.
  • Using quotation marks when referring to titles of shorter works in your paper, such as articles, webpages, and short stories.

Parting Shot

Any student can master the art of composing a high-quality research paper for high school students. You only need to follow the insights this article offers. It’s time to start the journey to upgrade your game for improved grades. Go ahead and apply these insights in your future high school research papers.

Roy Howard
Roy Howard


Marketing & Management


6+ years


I have always dreamt of combining my passion for Marketing with writing and helping students. I will follow all your requirements to make your paper flawless!

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