Illustration Essay


What is an Illustration Essay?

An illustration essay is a written work that aims to create a picture in the mind of the reader to convey an author’s targeted message effectively. This type of writing is sometimes called exemplification. Any illustration essay should provide information that a particular thing exists and acts in a certain way. Some specific and compelling examples are needed for that, so students should summarize the empirical data and include necessary definitions. At the same time, writing an illustration essay does not imply the discovery of a phenomenon or something completely new.

How to write an illustration essay? This type of essay suggests exploring data much more than analyzing it to prove one point of view or another. It is necessary to demonstrate the main idea of the topic using supporting facts. When writing an illustration essay, students do not need to focus on their feelings or discoveries. Rather, it is a generalization of experience with striking examples that better clarify the issue. Students have to explain the results using a few real-life examples. However, students need to make sure the samples are correct, relevant, and convincing enough.

The illustrative essay features its own unique style. It is a rhetorical style that implies using examples to support the thesis, the main idea of a paragraph, or the entire essay. Most students understand a topic better through concrete examples. It is known that the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for visual imagination. Therefore, teachers use visualization techniques to explain the material more clearly. So, students have to be able to work with a variety of guides and examples to master this form of academic writing,

The primary purpose of an illustration essay is to represent specific ideas using pictures and particular examples. It can be an answer to a particular question or a friendly guide for achieving success in  a specific area. When working on an illustration essay, students have to interpret a specific situation, person, or object. They need to provide specific examples and various details so that the readers can understand the chosen topic better and in a broader way.

Why Is an Illustration Essay Important?

When it comes to the illustration essay definition, this type of academic copy is also known as an example paper. Sometimes, this written assignment is also referred to as expository and explaining papers. Teachers often call an illustration essay the first step of students towards real research activity. This form of academic writing  provides students with the necessary skills for writing a dissertation in the future. Such work also encourages them to use fresh ideas and reliable arguments during the research process.

Illustration essays help students understand how to find and organize relevant materials. No matter how abstract their ideas are, it becomes more evident when they provide some examples to support their main point. Also, this type of essay develops their ability to draw coherent images using words. The ability to illustrate ideas and facts in an academic way enables students to create such a mindset that can enhance their arguing and debating skills through evidence-based arguments and conducted research.

Illustration Essay Outline

Making a plan for writing an illustration essay is a rewarding matter. Like any other academic writing piece, an illustration essay usually consists of an introduction, a few body paragraphs, and a closing part. Students are free to make an outline not of only three but five or more points. The introduction should provide background information, as well as explain the relevance and value of the topic. Here, the thesis should be formulated, which should consist of one or two sentences.

An illustration essay has to confirm specific facts that precede the evidence in the main body. Evidence is built on logical conclusions and proven arguments. In the main paragraphs, you need to develop the thesis using appropriate examples. Sections should be clearly defined and balanced to keep your essay consistent and logical. It means that each of them should have at least three sentences. However, it is better to use five or even six sentences to be able to include all the necessary details.

Each part should begin with a thematic sentence, which will be the main idea of ​​the paragraph. Every paragraph should focus on a particular example with supporting details. An illustration is most often used at the paragraph level to highlight or support the author’s perspective. In this way, students outline their main idea, and then they just need to expand it. Each paragraph should correspond to the thesis and end with a final sentence, which summarizes the preliminary conclusion. If a student plans to write a three-paragraph essay, then three illustrations are needed.

The final step in the essay writing process is writing a conclusion. Finally, students have to do it by rephrasing the thesis and summarizing the main ideas. They should start by writing one or two sentences that repeat the central statement of their thesis. The next two or three sentences have to point to relevant examples from the essay’s main body. The final task is to come up with a couple of last sentences that will complete the main arguments and smoothly lead to certain conclusions.

How to Choose a Topic for an Illustration Essay?

If students want to write a good illustration essay, they need to choose a suitable topic for it. According to specific parameters, the teacher may require students to find appropriate topics for an illustration essay. Students have to note that the choice of a topic determines some nuances of the forthcoming paper, such as the number of examples, logical connections, and so on. Illustrative essay topics require students to explain a specific subject using various models, including stories, publications, statistics, etc. so that the reader can fully understand the main idea.

Students can use a variety of sources of information and examples. The most significant source of illustration essay ideas is still the mass media. Also, routine and everyday life can provide inspiration. A walk around the city, a talk with a friend, or an event in college can give you original ideas for illustration essay topics. So, chat with people, turn on the news, and pay attention to what is happening around you. Ask your professor if you are not sure about whether you have chosen a good topic.

You can search for good ideas for your illustration essay on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Scroll the feed and check which tags are in trend. Watch some YouTube videos, movies, and TV shows. Use books, magazines, and articles, as well as browse online publications. The main point is that the topic should excite you as the author and arouse some interest among readers. Illustration essay topics may include such categories as sports and hobbies, student life and college routine, work and career, city and community, and so on.

Illustration Essay Topics

  • Nature Is Created By Itself, While Art Is The Creation Of Nature
  • Quality And Fulfilling Concluding Client
  • Responsibility Of Accountants Such As Transparency And Honesty Is Important Accounting
  • A History Of Accounting Standards In The UK
  • Business Ethics And CSR Commerce
  • Preparation And Presentation Of Financial Statement Accounting
  • A Student Development Portfolio Commerce
  • Similarities Between Absorption And Marginal Costing Methods
  • Project Risk Analysis And Management Construction
  • Strategic Management In Cross Functional Decisions Commerce

College Level Illustration Essay Topics

  • Value Of A College Education
  • Adjusting To College Life
  • Satyam Scandal Earning Management Gone Wrong
  • Standard Costing And Variances Analyses Accounting
  • Principle Of Human Recourse Management Commerce
  • Strengths And Weaknesses Of Artificial Intelligence Computer Science
  • Probability Concepts And Regression Models
  • L´Oréal Business Strategy
  • 8 Stage Theory Of Change (Kotter)
  • Stress On College Students

Illustration Essay Examples

You may also encounter some difficulties when choosing a topic for your illustration essay. You can be in doubt about how to draw an outline, provide illustrations, and write such copies in general. While reading an illustration essay sample written by a gifted student or a professional writer, you can understand how to write and format your paper correctly, even if this is your first time working on an illustration essay. To better understand such academic papers, you can find different samples online for professional and aspiring writers. For that, you may see the following examples:

Illustration Essay Writing Tips

Knowing how to start an illustration essay and how to end the work is essential to writing a good paper. Usually, the teacher specifies requirements on the essay length. If the recommended volume is not defined, it is better to write no more than three text pages. Do not try to use every idea that comes to mind. Not all of them have to be included in the final version of your essay. If you have more options than you need, try to choose the most interesting, intriguing, and compelling ideas.

Illustration essays should be firmly based on credible sources. Using unreliable sources in your paper is a surefire way to get a lower grade for work done. The examples given should be not only reliable but also bright and straightforward. They have to impress the reader, be memorable, and capable of evoking an emotional response. Using personal experience is often a good idea. Examples should be relevant and targeted to your potential audience.

Your illustration essay should be not only informative but also easy to read. Therefore, it is better to connect different ideas using the appropriate transition words and phrases. In this way, you will be able to provide uninterrupted flow and direction, as well as bring your work to a higher level of academic writing. For example, you can use words such as “for instance,” “in such a case,” “for illustration,” “in the light of,” etc. Use these transitional words and phrases sparingly to avoid excessive explanations.

Write My Illustration Essay for Me, Please!

If you need assistance with writing an illustration essay or any other academic paper, feel free to use help of Write My Essays Team.  As a  reliable custom essay writing agency with many years of experience, we are always ready to help students with their do my essay requests. The team of professional writers are well able to perform the  orders qualitatively, inexpensively, and within the agreed timeframe.


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