Proposal Essay


What Is a Proposal Essay?

A proposal essay is a type of paperwork aimed at providing solutions to some specific issues that need to be fixed. The main goal of the proposal essays is to generate the arguments and facts that would help to convince the audience to share the author’s point of view. Except for the business sphere, proposals are also used in the scientific fields, for personal purposes, advertising, etc.

The type of argumentation implied in the proposal essay seems to be quite effective. When used properly and adequately, it can be extremely persuasive. The better your essay proposal is, the more chances you have to convince even the most skeptical reader.

When elaborating on a proposal essay, you need to concentrate on two main issues – the nature of a problem and a solution that would be the best to sort the things out. As an option to the mentioned issues, you may offer the course of action taken when dealing with the problem.

Writing a proposal essay that deserves the highest grade means elucidating the problem from different perspectives. This is a vital principle you need to remember when dealing with all types of essays. It provides your audience with the feeling of completeness of your work and freshness of your thoughts and ideas.

Before You Start: Pre-Writing Strategies

Don’t be in a hurry to write the first phrases of your proposal essay without taking all the necessary preparatory measures. Check thoroughly the pre-writing stage strategies to make the writing process simple and pleasant.

Make sure you know who your target audience is

A proposal essay is usually written with the purpose to make a reader believe that the idea you promote is worth accepting and all the other points of view seem to be wrong. Without knowing who exactly your target audience is, you won’t be able to properly structure your essay proposal and convey a necessary message. Who are those people you are elaborating your proposal for? What are their needs? How can the ideas described in your proposal essay solve their problems and satisfy their requirements? Ponder over this before you start working on your assignment.

Carry out the research

It rarely happens when the topic you deal with turns out to be totally new and uninvestigated. Surf the Internet, read the articles composed by the experts of the related field, try to contact those who are a dab hand at the particular sphere. Do your best to dig up as much information as you can.


This pre-writing stage requires you to brainstorm all your ideas for the problem solution. Having all your thoughts written up will help you easily sort them and establish proper liaisons.

Don’t rely on your first draft

It is always good to leave enough time for revision and editing before your proposal essay reaches its audience. If you feel too tired to adequately perceive the written text, ask your colleague to help you and give some feedback. It may happen that you would need to elaborate the second or even the third draft to be completely satisfied with your essay proposal.

Proposal Essay Outline

What is the proposal essay format? A structure of a high-quality proposal essay slightly differs from a traditional 3-step algorithm used in all the paperwork. This essay is usually divided into 8 parts: introduction, proposal, plan of action, the viability of the proposal, expected outcomes, resources needed to make your proposal work, preparations made, and conclusion.


The opening part serves to inform the audience about the topic of the essay proposal and the problems it deals with. The introduction is a crucial part as you need to make people excited about your essay and stress its importance. Include some interesting facts, statistics, personal experience that would help you intrigue the audience.


This part should imply the statement of purpose. This section is rather short and gives the readers the idea about the problems and solutions you want your audience to accept. There is no need to describe the solution itself in this particular part – leave it for a dessert.

Plan of action

In this essay part,  your main goal is to elucidate the way through which you will achieve your proposal. You need to convince the reader that your proposal represents the ultimate solution to the problem, and you are the right person not only to convey the message but also make things work.

Try to provide as many details as possible to prove that you are well-informed about the topic, have done an in-depth research, and are ready to come up with an effective plan.

Share with the audience the potential obstacles that might become a stumbling block on the way to the implementation of all the necessary measures. This approach will demonstrate your qualifications in the theme you are dealing with.

Viability of proposal

Will your proposal work? Prove it by mentioning how your paper can improve the life of your audience.

Expected outcomes

Describe the goals of your proposal essay. It will help the reader get a clear idea about the purpose of your paperwork.

Resources needed to make your proposal work

What exactly do you need to make a successful proposal? List the intangible and tangible items to provide your essay proposal with completeness and depth.

Preparations made

Present yourself as an expert in the field of your choice . The more confident you feel about your ideas, the easier it will be to make the audience share your point of view.


The worst approach to  your final words arrangement is  simply  restating the introduction. Try to mention the key points of your essay proposal and stress the importance of your work not only because it tends to offer the right solutions to this particular problem, but also because it can resolve some issues of the related spheres. Don’t introduce any new information – the conclusion should sum up the ideas already stated in your proposal essay.

How to Choose a Topic for a Proposal Essay?

Choosing the best theme out of the assigned proposal essay topics may turn out to be a real challenge. Follow these simple instructions to select the right essay proposal topic and topic proposal format.

Choose a topic you are interested in

If you are lucky to have a possibility to select the topic of your proposal essay by yourself, choose the one you feel excited about. The list of topics for proposal essay may contain other options that would seem easier yet quite boring. Tedious themes may not give you even a drop of inspiration and motivation. Don’t look for the easiest ways – choose the most interesting assignments.

Make sure you can  find information on the chosen topic

Try not to deal with the uninvestigated areas. Hard work is ahead, so you should be 100% sure you will find enough materials to use in your proposal essay.

Think about how you can solve the problem

Before picking the topic, think about at least a couple of proposal essay ideas you can come up with. Are you ready to properly develop and prove them? Will they be interesting to your target audience? Can they solve the problem? Do your best before you assume a task in order not to fail later.

Take into account your previous experience

If you have a chance to choose a topic that is somehow related to the paperwork you have been working on before, don’t hesitate to pick it. You will feel more confident while dealing with the theme you are familiar with and thus will have a chance to come up with some brand-new ideas and solutions.

Proposal Essay Topics

  • A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis
  • Wireless Technologies Proposal
  • Proposal For Development Of Business Plan
  • Proposal For A Senior Employment Agency
  • Business Proposal For Sirius Satellite Radio Inc
  • Needle Nutz Business Proposal
  • Essay On Hotel Dreamland Business Proposal
  • Cash Loan Management System Proposal

Proposal Essay Topics For College Students

  • Movie Proposal: The Catcher In The Rye
  • Proposal For A Replacement Of The Failing Social S
  • Proposal For A New Computer Lab
  • Proposal For Reparations Of African Americans
  • Catcher In The Rye- Movie Proposal
  • A Public Relations Proposal
  • Lan Proposal
  • Economics: Proposal To Cut The Budget Deficit

Modest Proposal Essay Ideas

  • A Modest Proposal Response Paper
  • A Comparison Of Thinking In A Modest Proposal, Tar
  • A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis
  • Literary Critique Of A Modest Proposal
  • A Modest Proposal: A Different Version
  • Illegal Immigration: A Modest Proposal Sample
  • A Modest Proposal For Preventing The Children Of Poor People In Ireland

This essay post was provided by the expert writer of Write My Essay Today. They can write an original sample for you too. Just submit your “write my essay online” request, and you’ll be in contact shortly.

Proposal Essay Examples

In case you are still not sure how the perfect proposal essay should look, check on these proposal essay examples. They can wake your creativeness up so you will be motivated to present brilliant paperwork and impress the audience.

Proposal Essay Writing Tips

As icing on the cake, check the list of handy tips on how to write an essay proposal of the highest quality. Make sure it is always at hand, as you never know when the essay proposal assignment will find you:

  • Conduct thorough in-depth research on the assigned topic. Make a list of as many useful ideas and concepts as possible to use them later as a basis for your essay;
  • Make sure all the essay claims are supported with the relevant facts, evidence, and figures;
  • While carrying out the research, choose only credible sources while avoiding blogs of unknown authors and the websites that seem to be a scam;
  • All the sources used in your proposal essay should be properly cited. Make sure your paperwork doesn’t contain any plagiarism and all the ideas are authentic;
  • Avoid overused phrases. Try to use this opportunity to demonstrate your vocabulary and writing skills;
  • The essay proposal is not that type of paperwork where you can freely use an informal speech. Avoid slang if you want to sound professional;
  • Don’t overstuff your proposal essay with too many general ideas. Choose up to 5 you can thoroughly focus on and successfully develop.

Write My Proposal Essay for Me, Please!

Now that  you are armed to the teeth to write a perfect proposal essay, you may leave all your worries and doubts behind and proceed to the pre-writing stage. However, if you don’t have any inspiration for such serious and creative work or feel stressed, there is always a solution. The professional writers of our agency Write My Essay will be more than happy to help you with your essay proposal. They will conduct an in-depth research, check all the possible sources, and elaborate an outline for your future proposal. If you ask us “do my essay”, you can be 100% sure you will get authentic qualitative paperwork worth the highest grade.

If you need editing or proofreading, you may order these services separately. No need to overpay for the whole writing package when your work is actually ready and you only need someone to revise it. As a result, you will get a perfectly polished proposal essay ready for submission.


Roy Howard
Roy Howard


Marketing & Management


6+ years


I have always dreamt of combining my passion for Marketing with writing and helping students. I will follow all your requirements to make your paper flawless!

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